
Disinfection of a shop, cafe, restaurant

general rules and means for disinfection and sterilization

Disinfection of a shop, cafe, restaurant


For those that the Covid-19 epidemic has come to an end, the owners of small shops, large trade fairs, as well as organizations of a large eating establishment, are still necessary scrupulously put up to the rules of sanitation and hygiene. Obviously, undertakings, like eating food products, it is necessary to take care of especially severe symptoms due to the high risk of infection. Ale and disinfection to the store є nevid'єmnym entry for saving the safety of spіvrobitnikov and clients. Let's talk about everything.


Have a store, always keep it clean. І in order to reduce the risk of transmission of infections, it is necessary to carefully clean up, protect against the most significant diseases. In times of tense epidemiological situations, it is recommended to give priority to the control of disinfection authorities. The stench is not only effective in drinking and drinking, but it is also possible to cope with potentially unsafe health problems - viruses, bacteria and fungi. Chistoline Universal is itself such an authority.

In times of increased infectious tension, during general cleaning up, you can choose to have more disinfectant powers, for example, Septamin or Septonorm.


If we talk about the laying of a public meal, then, as we have already said, it is necessary to attach special respect to their disinfection. Even now, everything is demonstrating, getting ready to sell grub products, being in the zone of risk of expansion of pathogenic microorganism. It's not surprising, aje:

  • food products become a friendly place for the development of bacteria, which can cause various diseases and illnesses;
  • є possibility of expansion of pathogens to personnel;
  • transportation of products to reduce the risk of transmission of pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • whether it is a disruption of the processes of saving, or the preparation can lead to infection of the frying syrovin.Only scrupulously maintaining cleanliness and suvorih sanitary and hygienic standards make the mortgage safe.

Let's look at what aspects can include disinfection of a cafe or a restaurant more reported:

  • all applications must be cleaned in a clean way with a well-groomed tidying (krema pіdmіtannya, mittya pіdlog, wiping the surface, using a saw, disinfection of plumbing equipment thinly);
  • at the reception, de zdijsnyuєtsya podgotuvannya їzhі, pіdloga mієtsya іnіmіmum dvіchі per day, for such minds for the mitt it is necessary to win the miyny zasіb z disinfection effect (for example, Chistoline Universal), and in kintsі z mini - with a disinfectant (for example, Septamin or Septonorm);
  • the walls in the kitchen of the cafe or the restaurant need to wipe the ganchir'yam daily with the addition of a disinfectant, or a lunar miyny zasobu, with a choice of the same Chistoline Universal;
  • it is necessary to give due respect to the disinfection of eggs, even if due to the presence of scallops, the stench can lead to infection of clients with salmonellosis, with this method it is possible to vicorate Septoline;
  • Everyday crockery can be handled for the help of a great mii zabu - for manual crockery, Chistoline Dishes can be used, and for a dishwasher - Chistoline Avtomat, Chistoline Antizhir Extra can cope with especially folding dirt;

as a public food service, it is necessary to carry out transport for the transportation of products, it is necessary to regularly treat it with a way that effectively suppresses fungi, spores and various pathogenic microorganisms, for example, with a straining disinfectant Ekoment forte;for general cleaning - disinfection of surfaces, tableware, tidying equipment and food outlets, choose an appropriate disinfectant, which can be attacked by bacteria, viruses, and fungi, but at the same time, it does not have an unpleasant smell, for example , Ganzin Kombi.Regular cleaning and disinfection of a restaurant and a cafe will help to improve the high level of quality of service and reputation among customers.


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