Comprehensive oral care: algorithm, care products, rules
Algorithm, care products and basic rules

Caring for the body and oral cavity is a basic condition for maintaining health and well-being. Dentists emphasize that the condition of the teeth is only 10-15% dependent on heredity and nutrition, the most important influence is hygiene. Therefore, everyone, without exception, needs to regularly pay attention to the proper care of the oral cavity. Systematic cleaning with the use of well-chosen products is the best way to prevent dental diseases. Let's try to figure out what should be a comprehensive oral care in more detail. And also consider the basic means of oral hygiene.
Despite the availability of information about what oral care should be, dentists regularly encounter plaque and tartar deposits in the population. Unfortunately, many people pay insufficient attention even to regular brushing of their teeth. Meanwhile, proper oral care is extremely important to prevent caries, eliminate bad breath and reliably prevent premature tooth loss. In the event that the rules of oral hygiene are not observed, plaque accumulates on the teeth, and small pieces of food actively decompose in the spaces between the teeth. Of course, visually, such teeth look unattractive, and the breath becomes stale.
If you ignore the rules for caring for your teeth and oral cavity for a long time, the accumulated plaque will materialize - harden. As a result, tartar appears on the teeth. Such teeth can no longer be cleaned at home, cleaning will not remove the unpleasant odor. Stone deposits must be removed at the dentist, otherwise the gums will become inflamed and bleed, the risk of developing caries will increase significantly.
In addition, if there is no hygienic care for the oral cavity, a source of chronic infection is formed. Because of this, the immune system is disrupted and the risk of various health problems increases, including:
- cardiovascular pathologies;
- rheumatism;
- disorders in the digestive tract;
- kidney disease;
- dermatological problems;
- disorders in the work of the endocrine system, etc.
Proper care of the teeth and oral cavity helps to maintain the health of the mouth, teeth, gums and the whole body.
If you are interested in how to properly care for your teeth and oral cavity, you cannot do without buying a complex of different products to maintain hygiene. For an excellent result, an ordinary toothbrush and paste from the mass market will simply not be enough. After all, even with scrupulous cleaning, the brush cannot physically clean the interdental space with high quality, where food residues so much like to accumulate and pathogenic bacteria multiply. Therefore, you need to use basic and additional oral hygiene products:
- Toothbrush. Such a product should be selected individually, taking into account the current state of the teeth and their size. The best option can be advised by a dentist. Most people successfully use medium bristle brushes. However, with bleeding gums or increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, it is better to give preference to softer products. Rigid toothbrushes are a great choice for people with dentures or those with a perfectly healthy mouth.
- Toothpaste. The choice of such funds is very wide. The paste can be therapeutic or prophylactic, creamy or in the form of a gel, with different contents of active ingredients, including fluorine. A doctor will help you choose the optimal remedy, and it may be necessary to use several drugs in combination at once.Dental floss or floss. An indispensable product for dental health, without it, oral and dental care will be in complete.
- Provides reliable cleaning of interdental spaces, reducing the risk of latent caries and eliminating food debris that can cause bad breath. Especially convenient in everyday use are toothpicks with a refreshing thread. Such products are more comfortable to hold in your hand than a regular thread, and they are also impregnated with refreshing ingredients for fresh breath. Care of the teeth and oral cavity of the child is carried out with the help of special children's toothpicks with a thread.Interdental brushes. To care for your teeth and oral cavity even deeper and more complete, you should use accessories that have the shape of an ordinary brush.
- They are made of soft elastic materials and perfectly penetrate between the teeth, cleaning and polishing surfaces in the most inaccessible places. Such accessories do not injure the gums, but at the same time they will help protect against the development of caries at any age, including during complex orthodontic treatment.Rinsers. Modern oral care rules recommend the use of such products as the final stage of all hygiene procedures.
- They additionally cleanse the oral cavity, soothe and tone the mucous membranes, reduce the risk of inflammation and give fresh breath for a long time. There are also rinses that strengthen the enamel and reduce the risk of tartar formation.All of these tools will help to care for the oral cavity daily. But their use does not eliminate the need to regularly visit the dentist for examination - a preventive appointment is carried out every six months.
It would seem that all people can brush their teeth correctly - we learn this in early childhood. But, as practice shows, many ignore the rules of care or simply do not understand how to act correctly. Let's try to figure out how to properly brush your teeth and mouth:
Use a pea of toothpaste. Clean the outer surface of your teeth first. In this case, the brush should move from the roots of the teeth to the end part.You should not make chaotic horizontal movements, they make no sense.Brush the inside of your teeth in the same way.Take care of the chewing surface of your teeth. Here you can make reciprocating movements, periodically changing the angle of the bristles.Move on to cleaning the gums - gently massage them with a brush, the movements should be gentle.Turn the brush back to the tongue (most models have a special scraper there). They need to gently clean the surface of the tongue for 20-30 seconds.Carefully walk across the sky - here you can use bristles.Spit out the rest of the toothpaste, rinse your mouth with plain water, and move on to flossing or brushing your teeth. Move gently, don't put too much pressure on your gums, and pay attention to each tooth.Use the rinse aid for 30-40 seconds.Repeat this complex oral care at least 2 times a day, morning and evening. And people with orthodontic structures (the same braces) need to do it after every meal. But in this case, the attending physician should inform how to care for the oral cavity - the choice of care products may differ.